...and you find out where you should've begun.
Try and remember this as I'm sweating away on the final few scenes of a script that's way, way, way too long. I just have to get there. Find out where I'm going, then the joy of knowing where I should've begun. Getting to cut everything away. I like not entirely knowing where a character will take me. This one took me up a mountain in Norway. I wasn't expecting that. But when I've got there I have to go back and find that first footstep which led them there. It's always there, somewhere. That's why you don't have to panic, just look properly and trust yourself a little bit. Naughty, messy writer. 150 members of the theatre community from Scotland and beyond have drawn up this letter. It is in response to the withdrawal of Regular Funding from one of Scotland’s most important and influential theatre companies, Catherine Wheels, whose work over the last 20 years has continually pushed the boundaries and expectations of work for young people, both within Scotland and on the international stage.
The full letter with signatories can be found here.
Tiger Tale Trailer from Barrowland Ballet on Vimeo. This is a lovely video of Micky et Addie, directed by Nathalie Bensard and translated by Serverine Magois. The show was co-created with Andy Manley and the French productions have been lovely. Catch it at the Avignon festival if you can. Or buy it here. HA!
Began work on a new show with Catherine Wheels' Gill Robertson and Battersea Arts Centre. All about mums and Mums and Mum. Jeez it made me think. Mums are...
September 2024