Set in a dystopian future world, when Kappa's mum falls into a depression he finds a new family with Z and his gang. However, as his life spirals out of control he is forced to choose between the gang or his mum...
Commissioned by Catherine Wheels and with Andy Manley, Kappa was first performed in classrooms across Scotland in 2007. The class having no idea a play is going to take place that day they were delighted and mesmerised by the show and even a year later were asking where Kappa was and was he okay.
"the children & adults in the room were enthralled, a fabulous performance" P7 Teacher, East Renfrewshire
And that's where I met them.
The Gang. Oh, you have never seen anything like these guys. Honestly. Vicious. That’s how they looked. But I was never scared of them, not even that first time. They were like me. Alone. There was Deca. He’s standing there, cool as a cucumber. Chewing on something. Gravel or something. You could see his blunt teeth like a row of pegs, all worn down. Smiling. Flicking his knife. In Out In Out Staring at me. Like I was some kind of scum. Then there’s Siph. Pale. Like she’s never seen the sun. Jet black eyes, and when she looks at you it’s like she can see all your secrets. Can steal a wallet at fifty paces. I swear. Move a little forward and see Epsilon. He’s cool you know. Big. Sort of guy you can trust. Maybe it’s cos he can’t speak. Maybe that makes you more trustworthy. I see the three of them and I know they’re all waiting. I know there’s another. The one I’ve been playing. From out of the dark comes this voice. From the shadow of a giant ‘K’. ‘Want to play?’ And I feel something in me. Like a little voice inside me saying ‘No’ ‘Go home’. But then he comes out of the shadows… And he looks exactly how I’d imagined. |