Created with Lu Kemp, this new adaptation of the classic tale travels at breakneck speed as Pinocchio is enticed by the evil Stomboli and discovers why all the bad boys in town have been going missing. Pinocchio saves the day and in turn learns what it's like to be human and miss your papa.
Commissioned and first produced by Northampton Theatre Royal in 2006 Pinocchio was directed by Lu Kemp with design by Ben Stones, Lighting Design by Chahine Yavroyan and Music by Dafydd James.
Cricket: Now if Gepetto could have seen me and heard me I’d have said to him ‘Get out! Go and make friends, have fun. Stop spending all your time alone.’ But he couldn’t hear me. No. He was stuck.
(The light goes down on Gepetto and a shadow play begins. We see seeds dropping to a forest floor as the cricket speaks.) And so it was that Pinocchio first arrived. Perhaps it was because Gepetto was so good deep down that something started to grow, somewhere deep in the forest where the trees are still wild and talk to each other in whispers. The first seeds of a miracle were planted. And it grew and grew and grew until there was nothing left but for it to burst into Gepetto’s life. |